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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


William Binney
NSA whistleblower, NSA Technical Director, 1965-2001
CURRENT 05/07/2012
Spitzer: Stellarwind. What was it all about? Binney: it was pulling together all the e-mails and all the phone calls and probably other records like banking and so on so you build relationships that would show communities that you worked with, and who you were involved with what whatever you were doing in your daily life. Spitzer: not just phone calls on my blackberry. Kirk, If I go to an ATM machine they know where I’m taking money out, what my credit card is being used for? Kirk Wiebe: absolutely. Any electronic transaction.
Jane Mayer
Staff Writer for The New Yorker
KQED 05/13/2014
Narrator: But to make sure the NSA would not spy on U.S. citizens, Binney and the other analysts had built in privacy protections. Mayer: It anonymizes who it's listening in on, unless there's a court warrant that makes the identity of that person clear. Drake: If you knew that it was U.S. person-related, it would be automatically encrypted. That was part of the design of ThinThread. Wiebe: It had a data privacy section. That was working very well, protecting citizens and innocent people by encrypting the data and not allowing analysts to look at it even. Narrator: Drake was ecstatic. The experimental program could monitor massive amounts of data, but the encryption would protect the privacy of individual Americans. He took it upstairs to the top deck.
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